Training Outline

Moodle Workplace Training for Site Administrators


Course Description: This 64-hour full online training/ workshop is intended for aspiring current LMS Administrators to be fully equipped with knowledge and skills to maintain Moodle Workplace  Enterprise Learning Management System (ELM) in their organization. The lessons covered in this course will enable you to centralize training and learning programs that automatically administer, monitor, and report on all compliance and professional development training. 

General Objectives:

At the end of the course, participants should be able to;


  1. Overview of Moodle Workplace Enterprise Learning Management System.
  2. Explore the Moodle look and feel. Discuss an overview of the Moodle look and feel, differentiation of site versus dashboard navigations, customize navigation, and explore the frontpage settings.
  3. Manage LMS's categories and courses, such as adding categories and sub-categories, deleting course categories, organizing courses and categories, creating courses, and managing courses in bulk.
  4. Manage user accounts such as uploading users and enrolment methods.
  5. Distinguish the roles, permissions, and capabilities from different roles.
  6. Installing third-party plugins, and keeping plugins up to date.
  7. Programs. Allocate and establish learning pathways for your employees that are typically used for onboarding employees.
  8. Certifications. Manage compliance training such as turning your learning programs into certifications and Creating automated recertifications.
  9. Organization structure. Deploy department and position hierarchies to represent your organization structure.
  10. Dynamic rules. Define and execute centralized and automated rules.
  11. Report builder. To provide a powerful custom reporting tool.

Course Outline


Topics Learning Outcomes  Duration 

Module 1:  

Moodle Workplace Overview

  1. Discuss the Moodle Workplace Enterprising Learning Management.
  2. Differentiate site versus dashboard navigations, and explore the front page settings.
  3. Define roles and distinguish their differences.
  4. Identify and classify the major functionalities.
8 hrs
Module 2:

Basic Admin Functionality

Manage categories and courses

  1. Discuss the categories and courses and explain how they work together.
  2. Create a course and set up an activity.
  3. Enroll participants in the course; manually, guess access, and self-enrolment.

User management

  1. Authenticate users in the system.
  2. Browse the user profile; update and suspend the user account.
  3. Perform standard user actions, either manual or bulk uploads.

Managing Roles - permissions and capabilities

  1. Introduction to context and roles.
  2. Understand how permissions work and how they fit into different contexts.
  3. Assign roles to different users in different contexts.
8 hrs
Module 3

Advanced Admin Functionality
  1. Discuss the plugins overview
  2. Identify and enumerate the plugin types.
  3. Access
  4. Determine good and bad plugins
  5. Install and uninstall the plugin.
  6. Enable/Disable site security settings
8 hrs
Module 4

Programs and Certifications


  1. Describe the utilization of the programs.
  2. Add a combination of courses or a hierarchical sequence of courses.
  3. Allocate users to the program.


  1. Describe the purpose of certifications.
  2. Associate certification within a program
  3. Creating automated recertifications
8 hrs
Module 5

Organizational structure
  1. Create and Describe how organizational structure is used.
  2. Adapt to organization structure hierarchy based on departments, positions, and jobs.
  3. Create team managers by assigning jobs with "Manager" or "Department lead" positions to users.
8 hrs
Module 6

Dynamic rules
  1. Define the features of dynamic rules.
  2. Automate dynamic rules, such as issuing badges or certificates, or granting competencies.
  3. Set up the “Rule action limits” option to define the maximum number of times actions should apply.
8 hrs
Module 7

Report Builder

  1. Learn and understand the Report Builder
  2. Accessing and creating a custom report.
  3. Sending report results
8 hrs
Module 8

  1. Describe the purpose of Multi-tenancy
  2. Explore the look and feel structure, users, and learning entities.
  3. Enable the configuration for multiple tenants with different themes and permissions.
8 hrs
Total hours: 64 hrs


Additional guidelines; This 64-hour full online training self-paced coursewith 1-hour live session per week, will run for a total of eight (8) weeks. The participants are enrolled for 3 months which may be 8 hours weekly to take the lesson, submit the assessment, and accomplish other similar activities to acquire the certificate of completion. Each participant shall be provided a tenancy that serves as their working space to design their own work. After completing this course, you will be able to download your certificate.